Grenada Cultural Association of South Florida
(501c3 Tax Exempt Organization)
Due to the socio-economic challenges facing our Grenadian communities throughout South Florida and the difficulty in providing significant assistance and support to our fellow Grenadians in Grenada; therefore, it was necessary to create a new organization with the ability to focus on touching and impacting lives and building a network of diverse individuals to ensure financial sustainability. We establish and incorporated the “Grenada Cultural Association of South Florida” (GCA) as a Florida Non-Profit Corporation under the leadership of Sherry Peters became the first president on May, 2 2012. We were issued an organization 501©(3) tax certificate of exemption on February 27, 2013. GCA replaced Grenada Cultural and Civic Association (GCCA) which was registered on May 16, 1988 as a Florida Non-Profit Corporation which was voluntarily dissolved on April 26, 2012.
First – Sherry Peters – 2012 - 2013
Second – Elizabeth Allick – 2013 – Present
GCASF intends to create an interactive and engaging environment under the banner of “Preserving
the Grenadian Connection” by focusing on three (3) new projects as follows:
Grenada Cultural and Civic Association
Yes, 24 Years of Accomplishment
A small group of patriotic Grenadians living in South Florida came together and established an organization with the noble aims to engage, empower, encourage and support our nationals to be model citizens while living in South Florida. We felt it was necessary and important for us to share and preserve the civic, cultural and historical heritage of Grenada to ensure our nationals’ overall personal and professional growth in the midst of an ever-changing metropolitan and multi-cultural community.
“Grenada Cultural and Civic Association” (GCCA) were born and registered as a Florida Non-Profit Corporation on May 16, 1988.
The first organizational meeting was held at the home of John and Bulah Alexander. Michael Hood-Julien was GCCA first president, Bulah Alexander first Secretary and Elizabeth Allick first Treasurer. Persons present at the first meeting were Michael Hood-Julien, Michael DaBreo, Rosie Scott, Elizabeth Allick, Monica Williams, Joseph and Gloria Bernard, St. Clair and Julia Mendez, Irma Higgins, John and Bulah Alexander and Kenneth Nedd. Thereafter we met at the homes of Bulah and John Alexander, Elizabeth Allick, Gordon and Linda Ramsey, Audrey and Doreen Wells, Nolan and Margaret Strachan, Mr. and Mrs. Tony DeCoteau, Amy Louison, Mr. and Mrs. James, Roslyn Alic-Batson and business places of Elizabeth Allick, Glen Joseph, Kester and Kenneth Nedd.
GCCA leaders, members and friends have contributed to projects and communities in Grenada, the Caribbean, South Florida, and throughout the USA. We have worked with many nationals of other countries in South Florida to promote good citizenship.
Like most organizations we have had some good times and some challenging times but with the committed help of many and GOD’s guidance we have existed for just one year short of 25 years.
PRESIDENTS from 1988 to 2013
First – Michael Hood-Julien -1988-1989
Second – Kenneth J. Nedd – 1990-1998
Third – Derrick Fletcher 1999
Forth – Bulah Alexander – 2000-2005
Fifth – Amy Lousion - 2006
Sixth – Elizabeth Allick – 2007
Seventh – Michael Hood-Julien – 2008-2009
Eight – Roslyn Alic-Batson – 2010-2011
Ninth – Sherry Peters – 2011-2013
Here is a list of the Key Contributors. We would be lost without their continued support. To have your info added, please visit our DONATE and Volunteer pages for more info.
Dr. Beverly Nelson-La Qua
Dr. Kester Nedd
Dr. Phillip Findley
Dr Garth George
Dr. Douglas Campbell (CHORES)
Laura Windle (CHORES)
Dr. Assi (CHORES)
Hon. Richard Nixon
Michael Hood-Julien
Kenneth Nedd
Linda & Gordon Ramsey
Elizabeth Allick
John & Bulah Alexander
Aubrey and Doreen Wells
Lucille & Matthew Benjamin
Joseph & Gloria Bernard
Amy Lousion
Eric & Ena Thorne
Sam Archibald
Rufin Hosford
Knox Williams
Michael DaBreo
Thomas Friday
Liza Francis
Sonia Maryshow Duncan
Roslyn Alic-Batson
Clive Osborne
Godwin and Joan Collier
Seon Lewis
Nelia LoFaro
Sharon Peters
The Williams Sisters
Cheryl Rush
Margaret Washington
Yolanda Rapier Hall
Benjamin Pierre
Tony DeCoteau
Wilfred Armstrong
Paul Coard
Mayor Shirley Gibson
Congressman Kendrick Meek
Ambassador Denis Antoine
Mayor Carlos Alvarez
Florida State House
Representative Hazelle Rogers
Mighty Sparrow
Ajamu, Richardo Keens-Douglas
Inspector Grenada Board of Tourism
Grenada Marketing Board
Progressive Officers Club of Miami, Florida
Antigua Association
Trinidad & Tobago Association
Barbados Association
Jamaica Nurses Association
St Lucia Association
Watson and Company
DUNBLARE Import Export, Inc.
Air Jamaica
E.C. Worldwide Travel, Inc.
GCA Philosophy
Become a Member
Membership Dues